Active Shooter Response Kit
Part of The Ultimate Show on War and Terror
JRK Gallery
1 x 100L Assault Holdall 1 x Emergency First Aid , 2 x Seven Oceans 72hr ration , 1 x 72 Piece First aid kit 2 x Sleeping Bag 6 x Seven Oceans 500 ml of water, 1 x Bottle aluminum water 1000 ml , 2 x Wind up torch , 1 x Duronic Radio with USB charger and cable 2 x Torch head , 2 x Indirect Safety Goggles 2 x FFP3 Mask 5 x Clinell Hand wipes , 2 x Clinell Refreshing Wipes 10 x Surgical masks , 1 x Clinell Chlorhexadine cloths 1 x Roll of tape Gorilla , 3 x Packs Dextro . 2 x Bottle Purell Hand Gel , 1 x Pr leather gloves, 2 x Rain poncho, 2 x Karrimor Orange survival bag , 1 x Tube matches windproof , 1 x Emergency dental gum, 10 x Packs Tissue, 1 x Waterproof Notepad and pencil, 1 x Folding Shovel 4 x Chemical lights 1 x 12 Function Folding Pocket Knife 2 x Packs Clinell Hand & Face 1 x Large pack Clinell Body wipes 2 x Whistle 2 x Silver Emergency foil blankets 2 x Mess Tins 1 x Sawyer Drinking straw 1 x Folding Stove & Fuel 1 x Ovre Blanket 1 x Day rationContents list: Instant Porridge - meal ready to eat, Chicken Jalfrezi w/Chickpeas and rice - meal ready to eat - meal ready to eat, Maple Syrup Bun, White Chocolate Chip Brownie, Fruit Puree, Ginger Crunch Biscuit, Peanut Butter, Polo Mints, Pretzels, Apple and Cinnamon Snack Bar, Blackcurrant Isotonic fruit drink - powder, Mint Hot chocolate - powder, Re-usable poly bag, 2 x beverage creamer, Coffee stick, Teabag, 4 x sugar stick, Tissues, Disposable spoon, Wet wipes. Allergens: wholegrain oats, milk, soya, mustard, wheat, barley, soy, peanut, egg.